Feeding Your Pet

Why Feed a Natural Diet?
You want the best for your entire family, and that includes your Fur-Children!
We all know that excellent health starts with a well balanced diet jam packed with antioxidants and naturally occuring minerals and vitamins.
We understand the importance of minimising artificial additives, preservatives and highly processed foods.
So it makes perfect sense to avoid the convenience of packaged food and prepare fresh meals for your pet.
If your pet has allergies, a sensitive stomach or other health problems, getting their diet right is of even more importance.
Benefits of a Natural and Balanced Diet Include:
- Optimal Pet Health
- Prevention of Disease
- Economical
- Easy
- Sustainable

Why Avoid Commercial Pet Food?
Just like you wouldn’t feed your skin - kids MacDonalds or Fast food every day, nor is it ideal to feed your fur babies processed or packaged foods on a regular basis.
Even packaged foods like a museli bar are ok for a convenient snack, but not something you should base your diet upon.
I limit feeding my pets processed foods as much as possible because of these main principles:
- The presence of toxic artificial additives / preservatives / artificial vitamins
- Too high in carbohydrates (ie cereal fillers) which are nutrient poor and can cause inflammation / allergy flare ups in many pets
- Deficient in enzymes, macro-nutrients & anti-oxidants
- They don’t clean their teeth & gums effectively
Purchase my eBook “The Beginners Guide to Feeding Your Pet Naturally”
Keep Calm and Read On
My first advice to you before you get too overwhelmed with the thought of preparing your pets food when feeding yourself can be a challenge…..is to keep it simple!
First Principles
Dogs are omnivores (like humans they eat meat plus veg) and cats are carnivores (they eat only meat in the wild besides the stomach contents of a bird/rabbit etc which would contain vegetables)
Rely on what you already know
I'm sure you already know that optimal health requires a balance of:
- Fresh leafy greens
- Protein
- Anti-oxidants
The same goes for pets with a few small expections
Dogs need more raw meat, fat, bones
Around 60-70% of their diet
Cats need EVEN more raw meat, fat, bones
Around 80-90% of their diet
There is a cheap, easy, sustainable solution
I promise! Keep reading - or if you want to jump straight to booking a consultation to have a tailored diet made up for your pets then book now
This is 350g food - enough for a 15kg dog for one day.
1. Raw meaty bones appropriate for chewing ability of dog - 100g
- raw chicken wing, back or frame
- 2 or 3 raw chicken necks
- half a raw turkey neck
- portion of raw turkey wing
- raw lamb neck parts
- raw lamb flaps
- raw roo tail part
- raw goat meaty bones
2. Raw meat - 150g
- chunks or raw roo or goat meat (preservative-free)
- raw chicken/turkey thigh
- lamb/beef/goat/camel/pork/rabbit or other raw minced, diced or whole meat pieces
3. Offal - 30g
- chicken or turkey gizzard/giblets
- lamb/mutton/pork/beef offal:
- kidney
- Liver
- Heart
- Brain
- Trotters
- Trachea
- green tripe
- dried liver treats
4. Raw vege/fruit pulp left over from juicing or share your smoothie - 50g
- carrot, apple, pear, kale, cucumber, spinach, parsley, mint, ginger, mango, melon, tomato, capsicum, berries
- and/or - lightly steamed/roasted/slow cooked veges eg pumpkin, sweet potato, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, herbs/spices (turmeric, rosemary etc) in a teaspoon coconut oil
5. Fish oil
- ½ can of sardine/pilchard/mackerel - 10g
6. A teaspoon flax seed meal/oat bran/coconut crunch - 5g
7. Half teaspoon kelp/spirulina/chlorella/alfalfa/sprouted grain or grass - 3g
8. A teaspoon apple cider vinegar/kimchi/sauerkraut/other fermented food
9. Once or twice a week – a raw egg (can include shell), a dessert spoonful of plain yoghurt or cottage cheese or small piece mature cheese
- This diet provides about 7 to 10% raw bone, which provides the correct calcium:phosphorous ratio as in an ancestral diet.
- Puppies require about 15% of their diet to be raw bone, and pregnant and lactating female dogs need at least this, depending on litter size. To make sure you are providing enough calcium to a lactating mother dog, give extra easy to assimilate natural calcium containing food such as yohurt and cottage cheese.
- If your dog cannot eat whole raw bone, mince it raw and provide alternative appropriate daily chewing to keep teeth clean.
- If you suspect your dog has food allergies, then use only one type of meat and offal that your dog has never been fed, or a protein you know is suitable.
- You may need to decrease or increase the total weight of food for your dog depending on his metabolism – you should be able to easily count 6 ribs!
- If you can’t, your dog is overweight.
- If you can count more that 6 ribs, your dog is underweight.