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Desert Vet

Desert Vet

Desert Vet

Desert Vet

Airing every Wednesday night throughout December on Channel Nine, Desert Vet showcases the work of my Dad, Dr Rick Fenny, my brother Ed Fenny, and myself, as we take care of pets and wildlife around Western Australia.

I grew up in the Pilbara region of Western Australia and am very proud to show this unique part of the world to Australia as well as to international audiences.

I am featured working at the Karratha Vet Hospital, which is one of Dad’s eleven vet clinics, located primarily in regional WA.

In December 2019, Desert Vet aired internationally to UKTV and Vivat in Eastern Europe.

Head on over to my facebook or instagram to check out the videos from the show!

Watch The Trailer

Check out the Desert Vet Website to read more and watch the Trailer.

Contact Me

Contact Me

Byron Bay, New South Wales 
Australia, Australia

Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm

Saturday: 9am - 5pm

After hours available upon request - surcharge applies 

More Pets Cares

Check out the Pets and Vets website for more pets cares.